yes. you can catch raquazza before you defeat the elite four.. he is in the sky pillar..
You get if from your Rival, after defeating team Aqua in the weather institution, who gives you Castform, but you must beat your rival before receiving the hm.
yes you have to defeat all the champions before catching a legendary pokemon
Lucario as well as other 4th generation Pokemon were not created in any generation Pokemon game before it meaning they don't exist in Pokemon emerald or anything before Pokemon emerald.
I only know in Pokemon Sapphire It's inside the Meteor Falls.No Elite Four needed. already have a Shelgon and use a great ball or ultra ball to catch it.
After defeating the Pokemon League, May lives in the house to the right of your house in Littleroot Town, but if you want to talk to her, you have to go to Prof. Birch's lab. Before you beat the Pokemon League, I think she's not at her house or Birch's lab yet, but I don't know for sure because I never checked.
No. -.- You can capture it without defeating them.
In Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire Rayquaza can be found at the top of the Sky Pillar on Route 131 after defeating the Elite Four and the Champion. In Pokemon Emerald you can enter and catch Rayquaza before defeating the Elite Four during a story event.
You get if from your Rival, after defeating team Aqua in the weather institution, who gives you Castform, but you must beat your rival before receiving the hm.
You can get rayquaza before you defeat the elite four, but to find out where kyogre and groudon are you have to go to the weather station after defeating elite four to find out their location..... i think ___________Info by POKEwiz__________ if you have any questions about Pokemon emerald, diamond, firered, or pearl i can help!
yes you have to defeat all the champions before catching a legendary pokemon
Lucario as well as other 4th generation Pokemon were not created in any generation Pokemon game before it meaning they don't exist in Pokemon emerald or anything before Pokemon emerald.
I only know in Pokemon Sapphire It's inside the Meteor Falls.No Elite Four needed. already have a Shelgon and use a great ball or ultra ball to catch it.
Pokemon Fire red and Leaf green- After saving Pokemon Emerald- team aqua hideout Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon Pearl and Platinum- After defeating Cyrus at veilstone galactic base Pokemon Heart gold and Soul silver: Right before Ho-ho and Lugia
You can get a rigirock on Pokemon Emerald in the Desert Ruins.But you need to unlock the Rigi's though,before you can attempt this.
You can get a Rigisteel on Pokemon Emerald in the Ancient Tomb,which is on Route 120.But you need to unlock the Rigi's before you can attempt this.
Rayquaza can be caught in Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald in the Sky Pillar. However, in Pokemon Emerald it can be caught before defeating the Elite Four. It can also be caught in Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver after obtaining the Jade Orb by showing Professor Oak both a Groudon and Kyogre from both HeartGold and SoulSilver (one of the two must be traded).
you get pikachu before the 1st gym in Pokemon leaf green