The Rain does not affect the Appearance or Catch Rate of Feebas, so yes, you can.
You can catch feebas with any type of rod in Pokemon sapphire,ruby and emerald but a super rod is the best-good rods and old rods work to but they r harder to catch feebas with :^] I tried that but i just got a whole bunch of carvanas. Its probaly the same catch rate with all the rods. With an old rod, basically every second catch on a Feebas tile will be a Feebas. Also, with the old rod, you usually just have to press once to pull up the catch. With a super rod every catch on a Feebas tile will be a Feebas, but you will often have to press 5-6 times to pull up the catch. if you use a old rod it only catches magicarps,a good rod will only catch medeaim lvl Pokemon and a super rod will catch every Pokemon.its better to use a super rod
You would use the Superrod
you can find feebas on the way to catch garitina diaogia and palkia you need to use a good rod to catch him
Feebas is in the area south from fortree city you must use a rod to catch it.
Feebas can be a pain to catch in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl by going to Mt. Cornet. Feebas is located on the basement floor of the Mt. Cornet. The player will need the HMs Surf and Strength to reach the underground lake. Patient and Luck will grant the player a elusive Feebas.
You can catch Feebas with any rod.
There doesn't seem to be an exact time to catch Feebas, they are just really really really hard to catch.
No, but your Feebas will be alot stronger in levels if you do?
Actually, it's impossible to catch Milotic in any Pokemon Game. But, it's possible to catch its pre-evolution, Feebas. To catch Feebas in Pokemon Emerald, there is a complicated way. But, I know that you can catch Feebas in Route 119. Hope I helped :)
upper segment of mt.coronet with an old rod
feebas can be caught in any waters of route 199.
In Mt. Coronet on the water - but it is really really hard to catch. I have feebas eggs is you would like to have one.
you can catch feebas by using a good rod..however, chances are small compared to super rod
You can't catch a feebas in the Hoenn region. In the Sinnoh region you could catch it with any rod. It doesn't matter. :0)
Feebas in in the top right corner in the water in Pastoria City.
you can catch feebas near the whether institute using old rod.hope these help