No you can't, you'll need to beat the league and get the pokerader and go to route 210.
Bagon evolves into Shelgon starting at level 30, and then Shelgon evolves into Salamence starting at level 50. Bagon is #371 in the National Pokedex, and was introduced in the Generation III Pokemon titles (Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald) where it could be found at Meteor Falls. In Generation VI (X and Y), it can be found on Route 8, but its appearance is very rare. ___ In the PMD series, Pokemon must be recruited and at least their ordinary level of evolution in the other games before they can be evolved. Then you must graduate from the guild and go to Luminous Spring.
It is deep in Meteor Falls, but it is uncommon, so you might get a couple encounters before actually encountering Bagon.
Route 210-North. You must use the PokeRadar.Note: You can only get the PokeRadar after you have completed the Sinnoh Pokedex and talk to Prof. can find a bagon east of celestic town by using the pokeradar in the tall grass.:)IT may take hours...
Bagon is a Dragon type pokemon.
You can find bagon in white forest
Bagon is #371 in the national pokedex, and it is a Dragon type Pokemon.
the only way to get bagon is to either trade or to get Pokemon pearl and go to route 205. make sure you have a Pokemon radar and the national pokedex. see ya
Once you have the national Pokedex, the best way to get a Bagon is to go just east of Celestic Town. Search in the patches of grass either north or south. the best way to do this is use defog and use your pokeradar. Hope this helped!
The third evolution of Bagon. It is a dragon pokemon. first you must evolve Bagon into Shelgon then you get Salamence at level 50
You get it by doing the following: If you're playing Diamond, trade or migrate. If you're playing Pearl, you could do the same as Diamond, or catch a bagon in the wild (I think you use the radar for that) and evolve it
Bagon evolves into Shelgon starting at level 30, and then Shelgon evolves into Salamence starting at level 50. Bagon is #371 in the National Pokedex, and was introduced in the Generation III Pokemon titles (Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald) where it could be found at Meteor Falls. In Generation VI (X and Y), it can be found on Route 8, but its appearance is very rare. ___ In the PMD series, Pokemon must be recruited and at least their ordinary level of evolution in the other games before they can be evolved. Then you must graduate from the guild and go to Luminous Spring.
once you get the national dex, you can catch them by celestic town
It is deep in Meteor Falls, but it is uncommon, so you might get a couple encounters before actually encountering Bagon.
Route 210-North. You must use the PokeRadar.Note: You can only get the PokeRadar after you have completed the Sinnoh Pokedex and talk to Prof. can find a bagon east of celestic town by using the pokeradar in the tall grass.:)IT may take hours...
I checked this one on my Pokedex and it said "AREA UNKNOWN" so I got my friend to lay me an egg. I think this is the only way possible.
Shelgon evolves into Salamence starting at level 50.Other facts about Shelgon:Shelgon is #372 in the National Pokedex. It evolves *from* Bagon starting at level 30.It is a pure dragon type (Salamence is Dragon-Flying).Shelgon is weak to Ice, Dragon, and Fairy moves, and resistant to Fire, Water, Grass, and Electric. (It isn't immune to anything.)Shelgon (and the whole Bagon, Shelgon, and Salamence evolution line) was introduced in the Generation III games (Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald).