Yep. Go to the Lilycove Dept. Store. They'll be there, but for the life of me, I can't remember which floor.
lilycove shopping department
You can win pp up from the lottery at lilycove city.
You can't. You can only find a PP Up
You can't buy pp up on Pokemon emerald. it is an item that can only be found.However,you can use gamesharkThe steps...1.Go to youtube and type this in the search box,Pokemon Emerald-ALL ITEM on sale!!! (you can just copy and paste from here.The user is smarkoh)2.Go click on (more info) at the description and the cheat is available there.3.Pls rate and comment.***The cheat is for ALL(most) of the items and it only works for emeraldSmarkoh
the is one on the bridge to rustboro city to the right and there is one underwater
lilycove shopping department
You can win pp up from the lottery at lilycove city.
please say yes or no and don't say answers like maybe
A pp up You can buy this at that big mall
You can't. You can only find a PP Up
things like dolls, hp up, pp up etc,
You can't buy pp up on Pokemon emerald. it is an item that can only be found.However,you can use gamesharkThe steps...1.Go to youtube and type this in the search box,Pokemon Emerald-ALL ITEM on sale!!! (you can just copy and paste from here.The user is smarkoh)2.Go click on (more info) at the description and the cheat is available there.3.Pls rate and comment.***The cheat is for ALL(most) of the items and it only works for emeraldSmarkoh
the is one on the bridge to rustboro city to the right and there is one underwater
You Can't
You cannot buy PP Ups or Elixirs/Ethers in Pokemon Platinum. You can find them around the map, however.
you can only find it :-(