

Best Answer

the is one on the bridge to rustboro city to the right and there is one underwater

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Q: Where is PP Up in Pokemon Emerald?
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Where can you find pp up in Pokemon Emerald?

You can win pp up from the lottery at lilycove city.

Can you buy pp up in Pokemon emerald and platiunm?


Pp up action replay code?

For which Pokemon game???????????????? Pokemon LeafGreen Pokemon FireRed Pokemon Sapphire Pokemon Emerald Pokemon Ruby Pokemon Diamond Pokemon Pearl

What is the code for pp max in Pokemon emerald?

0590iv09 8r4u56eh 4h7f4h48 218ye8h0

If you have a Blaziken with 0 pp of overheat and im at Rayquaza should you go to a Pokemon center to get your pp of overheat back in Pokemon emerald?

if you have a master ball no if not yes

Are you allowed to buy pp up in Pokemon emerald and platinum?

please say yes or no and don't say answers like maybe

What is pp up?

pp ups are things that put you're Pokemon's pp up

Why is PP up in pokemon called PP up?

No idea

What is the TM10 in Pokemon emerald?

the TM 10 in emerald is hidden power. te attack power varies among different Pokemon. accuracy:100 pp:15

What makes pp higher on Pokemon diamond?

Pp up

How do you increase your pp in Pokemon?

you can get a pp up from the veilstone market

How do you buy pp up in Pokemon Emerald?

You can't buy pp up on Pokemon emerald. it is an item that can only be found.However,you can use gamesharkThe steps...1.Go to youtube and type this in the search box,Pokemon Emerald-ALL ITEM on sale!!! (you can just copy and paste from here.The user is smarkoh)2.Go click on (more info) at the description and the cheat is available there.3.Pls rate and comment.***The cheat is for ALL(most) of the items and it only works for emeraldSmarkoh