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No, you must be with an adult if you are underage. To buy these games, you must show your ID to the cashier before purchase. To counteract the ID problem there are fake Id's from China. It even fools Police men, already tested. buying the game yourself give a mature person at GameStop or any other retailers $5 or $10 to buy it for you. (only request this if the person is someone that you know). Hope this helped.

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Q: Can you buy a mature game by yourself if your underage?
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How old do you have to be to buy a mature game?

17 or older

Does a kid need an adult with them when buying an MA game?

YES you need to be atleast 17 years of age to buy a Mature game

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It is rated M for mature, but you can choose to turn off blood and gore when you buy the game.

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NO YOU IDIOT , M stands for mature, 17+ . Why would you buy that for a child ? want them to shoot people ? huh ?

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First of all, if you are under 16, you should not be getting M rated games. M stands for mature, not "mommy, can I please get this game?" Second, if you are 16 years old or older, you should be able to buy it yourself. Withdraw money from your bank account, or get a job.

How old do you need to be to buy a mature game?

16+ i think although it might be 15+, its one of those 2 though.

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buy the alburm and find out yourself

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You have to buy the game yourself.

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U can try emailing it to yourself, or putting it on a flashdrive and installing it on the new computer.

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Prevent underage drinking f I am a server, do not let people below the legal drinking age buy alcohol.

How do you buy a keg?

Go to the store that supplies them.... you shouldn't if you're underage though.

Would it be fair to buy world of war of warcraft from your brother for 50 dollars?

No, for that sum you can buy the game and make yourself an private account.