No however if you get tyrouge to Lv 20 and evolve him/her you may try again at the daycare with a ditto and you will receive another tyrouge. :)
Use a ditto and hitmonchan to get tyrogue.
breed hitmonlee or hitmonchan in four islandBreed hitmonchan or hitmonlee with a ditto in the daycare.
Any Pokemon that can breed can breed with Ditto. However, certain Pokémon cannot breed. This includes 'legendary Pokémon' like Lugia or Uxie and 'baby Pokémon' such as Pichu or Tyrogue. Ditto cannot breed with another Ditto, and also the Pokemon Nidorina and Nidoqueen cannot breed. Muchlax is a baby, so you must evolve him into a Snorlax before it can breed with Ditto.
In my opinion, Hitmonchan but only cause he can have Thunder, fire, and ice punch You can get a Ditto and breed your choice on Island 4 later on and get a Tyrogue If Tyrogue's attack >20, it will evolve into hitmonchan at level 20 If " defence >20, you get Hitmonlee If Attack=Defense, you will get a Hitmontop at level 20
You don't get Tyrogue by catching it. In order to get tyrogue, you need a Pokemon that knows surf and water fall. So first go into Mt. Mortar, entrance at route 42 and make your way down to the cave. Eventually, you will see Karate King Kiyo, challenge him to a battle, and if you win, he will reward you with a Tyrogue, but you must have a open slot for Tyrogue!
Breed either hitmonchan or hitmonlee and you will receive an egg hatch it to get tyrogue.
Use a ditto and hitmonchan to get tyrogue.
In Pokemon diamond, pearl and platinum tyrogue himself cannot breed, however if you have a hitmontop, hitmonlee or hitmonchan you can get a tyrogue egg when bred with a ditto
Tyrogue is a baby Pokemon and therefore cannot breed.
You cannot because, it is the final evolvtion. But if you want to evolve it back into Tyogue, Breed it.
breed hitmonlee or hitmonchan in four islandBreed hitmonchan or hitmonlee with a ditto in the daycare.
After receiving the first one, the process is relatively simple. You must get a ditto, since it can breed with all non-legendary Pokemon. Drop them off at the daycare. Eventually, they may sprout a Tyrogue.
In order to obtain a Tyrogue in FR/LG, you must breed a Hitmonchan/Hitmonlee with a Ditto or another Hitmonchan/Hitmonlee. Now, once you have the Tyrogue you can get a Hitmontop by leveling said Tyrogue up to level 20 and having its Attack and Defense stats be the same. Good luck.
Breed Hitmontop, Hitmonchan, or Hitmonlee with a Ditto and hatch the egg.
Tyrogue is a Fighting type pokemon.
A tyrogue egg can not be obtained but you can capture a tyrogue with the poke radar on the Eterna City side of route 211