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Yes, you can breed Charmeleon in Pokémon HeartGold.

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Q: Can you breed charmeleon Pokemon HeartGold?
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Darkar is not a Pokemon in HeartGold. Darkrai is a Pokemon, but it cannot be bred since it is a legendary Pokemon. You cannot breed dark type Pokemon, either.

Can Infernape girl and Charmeleon boy have an egg?

No, Infernape and Charmeleon are not in the same egg group, and therefore, unable to breed with each other.

Can Ditto breed with a starter Pokemon in Pokemon HeartGold?

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Can you breed a Charmeleon with a combusken in Pokemon white version?

No. Charmeleon are members of the Monster and Dragon egg groups, while Combusken are members to the Field egg group.

Can you breed Pokemon in HeartGold?

yes same as silver

How do you copy pokemon in heartgold?

You make them breed with Ditto.

How do you get cleffa in Pokemon HeartGold?

Breed a Clefairy with a Jigglypuff.

How do you get a phione on Pokemon HeartGold?

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How do you breed a Snorlax on Pokemon HeartGold?

Give it a full incense and breed it to get a Munchlax egg.

When did Charmeleon first appear in Pokemon?

The Pokemon Charmeleon first appeared in Pokemon in the episode titled "A Parent Trapped". The Pokemon Charmeleon is the evolved form of the Pokemon Charmander.

What type is the Pokemon Charmeleon?

Charmeleon is a purely Fire-type Pokemon.