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I think u need your dratini to be a dragonair, then do so. Try to have a male dragonair, since male pokemon are easier to breed. BUT U CAN DEFFENENTLY BREED TO GET A DRATINI!!!!!

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Q: Can you breed a dratini with a Ditto?
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breed ditto with ur starter Pokemon and train it at indigo platoo and breed it with a dratiniAnswerbreed ditto with ur starter Pokemon and train it at indigo platoo and breed it with a dratini

What will a dragonair and Ditto make?

A Dragonair and a Ditto will have a Dratini egg.

Can Snorlax breed with Ditto?

any Pokemon can breed with ditto except legendary Pokemon and ditto. in other words, you can't breed a ditto with a ditto

Can grotle breed with a Ditto?

anything can breed with ditto.

What Pokemon is in the egg if you breed a Ditto with a Ditto?

Nothing. Since a Ditto can no breed with another Ditto. They will produce no egg.

Can you breed Ditto with a empoleon?

yes ditto can breed with empoleon

Can you breed Ditto and Infernape?

Any Pokemon can breed with ditto.

Which Pokemon can breed with Ditto on Pokemon Pearl?

Any Pokemon that can breed, can breed with Ditto.

Can a girl Charizard breed with a Ditto in Pokemon white?

Any Pokemon that can breed can breed with a ditto.

Can we breed Ditto and Ditto to get a baby egg Ditto?

no you cant

Can Ditto breed with Groudon?

no, ditto cannot breed withe legendarie pokemon.

Can a Ditto breed with a feraligator?

No. Ditto can only breed with most genderless pokemon.