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Yes. When you breed them you will get Charmander. Ditto can breed with any Pokemon that has a gender (except some Pokemon like Latias) and it doesn't matter which egg group.


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Q: Can you breed a Charizard and a Ditto?
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Can you breed Charizard?

Yes, breed a male and female Charizard, or breed a female Charizard with a Ditto. Yes, breed a male and female Charizard, or breed a female Charizard with a Ditto.

What should you do if your Charizard won't breed with Ditto?

Charizard can breed with Ditto, just give it time.

Can a girl Charizard breed with a Ditto in Pokemon white?

Any Pokemon that can breed can breed with a ditto.

Can Charizard breed in LeafGreen?

By leaving a Charizard and a second Charizard of the opposite gender (or a ditto) in the daycare on Four Island, it is possible to breed your charizard for charmander eggs.

How to get a Charmander egg in diamond?

Breed ditto and Charizard

How long does it take for your Charizard to breed with Ditto?

as long as i takes

What Pokemon other than the Pokemon Charizard can you mate the Pokemon Charizard with to get the Pokemon charmanard?

use a ditto, ditto will breed with any Pokemon except legendary

How do you get a Charmander egg on FireRed?

Charmander is a fire type of Pokemon. To get a Charmander egg in Pokemon FireRed, you can breed Charizard with Ditto.

How do you bred a Pokemon?

put the Pokemon you want to breed and ditto in the daycare together and after a while there will be an egg. when you hatch the egg it will be the Pokemon you put in with ditto in its smallest form (ex. if you put charizard in with ditto you will get a charmander from the egg)

How do you get a Charmander egg in Pokemon platinum?

You import a Charizard and a Ditto from any game via Pal Park, then breed them together for an egg. It will be a Charmander.

Can Snorlax breed with Ditto?

any Pokemon can breed with ditto except legendary Pokemon and ditto. in other words, you can't breed a ditto with a ditto

Can grotle breed with a Ditto?

anything can breed with ditto.