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Yes, and you'll be able to get tons of eggs.

once i put jolteon and ditto in the daycare, and after like 5 minutes, I got 4 eggs.

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Q: Can you breed Ditto with jolteon and get eggs?
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Can you breed jolteon?

You can breed jolteon with a ditto its gender doesn't mater i got 6 evee eggs.

Can you breed jolteon with another electric type Pokemon?

no, only with another jolteon or ditto

Can you breed a rotom and a jolteon?

they can not be breaded together. jolteon can be breaded with another jolteon of the opposite gender or a ditto and the same goes for rotom

In Pokemon diamond what legendary eggs can you breed with Ditto?

You can breed Manaphy with a Ditto to get Phione.

What Pokemon do you put in the day care on island 4 to get a evvevon fire red?

Either a boy vaporeon,flareon,or jolteon and a girl vaporeon,flareon, or jolteon. Or breed it with a ditto

Can Riolu have eggs with Ditto?

yes it can because ditto can transform to a riolu EDIT: No, because Riolu is considered a "baby" pokemon, such as Elekid and Pichu, and cannot breed. However if you breed a Lucario and a Ditto, that would work.

Can Ditto have eggs with torterra?

Yes. You will get a baby Turtwig. If you breed a torterra with a ditto Getting torterra eggs are impossible unless you cheat.

If you breed Ditto and eve do you get 6 more eggs?

If you breed Ditto and Eevee than you'll get one egg and it will hatch into an Eevee but you can breed them as many times as you want to get more eggs and thus more Eevees.

What do you get when you breed quilava and Ditto in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You will get Cinderquil eggs.

Can you breed an Entei with ditto to get an egg?

No, legendaries cannot have eggs.

What Pokemon can make eggs with Ditto in Pokemon white?

Any Pokemon can breed with Ditto unless they are legendaries.

Can you breed a zapdos with a zapdos?

Ditto is useful for breeding, however there are a few pokemon that are incapable of breeding. Most legendries will not breed. Zapdos will not breed with ditto.