You can't be invincible, but with the right armor and items you can get pretty close. You just need to try combinations. Being invincible would just be cheating though.
by playing online mode you get HR points from completing online quests. which increases your rank.
You can get it from Gypceros.
Mining in the Tundra.
4*+ Elder quests. If I recall correctly, the Green Plesioth awarded Monster Bone+.
No one in the world can sensibly be a monster hunter as monsters aren't real. However, there is a video game called 'Monster Hunter' and it is popular and one can become a monster hunter through there.
monster hunter wiki
that would be Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on PSP and Monster Hunter Tri on Wii.
No there is not a cheat for it
I will answer any monster hunter questions you have :)
You can get that and more on the monster hunter wiki
There is no way to get invincibility in Monster Hunter Freedom.
Monster Hunter Tri happened in 2009.
Monster Hunter Freedom happened in 2005.
Monster Hunter Frontier happened in 2007.
Monster Hunter 2 and a newer game, monster hunter freedom unite, have both been released in America.