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you go to the darkova wood's and enter the vampire queens castle and become a vampire

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Q: Can you become a vampire on aq worlds?
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How can you become vampire in aq worlds?

It was a holiday special. You cant get it anymore

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do the quest for the werewolf and vampire at the graveyard.

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become a member or do other quest

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Well, become a member! I guess... <_<

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AQ Worlds doesn't have Z-Tokens, that was AdventureQuest. AQ Worlds has adventure coins

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you have to become a member to chat

What does aq worlds stand for?

AQW aka AQ Worlds Stands for Adventure Quest Worlds

How do you become a free member in aq worlds?

It's not possible, and if you do (somehow...), you could get sued.

Where can you get aq worlds?

Aq worlds is free, just go to you play it on your browser

In Aq worlds how do you become a enforcer?

It's a drop from Mithril Man at the Crash Site in Greenguard.

Can you become a member in aq worlds without paying?

idiot question go to school kid