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In Harvest Moon DS you can only be a male character. There is a female version of that game called Harvest Moon DS Cute. If you want to play as a girl you must get that game, and not the regular Harvest Moon DS.

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Q: Can you be a girl in Harvest Moon DS?
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On Harvest Moon DS can you be a girl?

no, but you can be a girl farmer in harvest moon ds cute. the two games have different stories and harvest moon ds was the inspiration for harvest moon ds cute as more girls were found to be playing the game than boys at the time of the beginning of the launch of harvest moon ds cute.

Are there harvest moon games for Nintendo DS?

Yes, Harvest Moon DS (boy version) and Harvest Moon DS Cute (girl version)

How do you become a girl on harvest moon ds?

You cant! you have to buy harvest moon ds cute

How can you be a boy on Harvest Moon DS Cute?

You can only be a girl in Harvest Moon DS Cute

How do you change from a girl to a boy in Harvest Moon DS?

You can't. But there is another game that is slightly different, and you get to play as a girl, called Harvest Moon DS Cute.

Where the house of galen and Nina in harvest moon boy and girl?

There are no characters named Nina and Galen in Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl. Nina and Galen appear in Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition, Harvest Moon DS, and Harvest Moon DS Cute.

How do you choose which girl to be on harvest moon ds cute?

When you first start a file in Harvest Moon DS Cute you will be asked a few questions. Depending on how you answer decides which girl you get.

I dont like the 3-d in some harvest moon games and ive only got a ds what harvest moon games are best for me btw gba games wrk in ds?

For the DS, harvest Moon DS (you are a boy) or Harvest Moon DS Cute (girl). For the GBA, Friends of Mineral Town (boy) or More Friends of Mineral Town (girl). I have DS cute, and friends of mineral town, and i love it.

In Harvest Moon DS Cute what is the brown haired girls name?

The brown haired girl's name in Harvest Moon DS Cute is Jill.

What are some games where you can have a family?

There is a Nintendo DS game where you can have a family that I know! Actually two of them! They are called Harvest Moon DS and Harvest Moon DS cute! The DS cute one is where you play a girl and the other one, Harvest Moon, is where you play a boy!

Can you get Harvest Moon DS on Wii?

No. Harvest Moon DS is for the DS only. There are other Harvest Moon games for the Wii.

Nintendo DS harvest moon'?

Ok well here is a list of the harvest moon ds games I know: harvest moon sunshine islands harvest moon ds (boy) and ds cute (girl) harvest moon island of happiness harvest moon friends of mineral town i hope this helped!