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Q: Can you attack with a special summoned monster?
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After cyber jar effect the special summon monster can it attack?

Unless another card specifically denies the attack or if it was Special Summoned AFTER the Battle Phase, then yes the Special Summoned monster may attack.

Can a monster attack on the turn it is summoned in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Yes, a monster can attack the turn it is Normal, Flip, or Special Summoned unless it says otherwise.

Can a monster attack the same turn it was Normal or Special Summoned?

Yes, unless the card itself or another card on the field says so, a monster can attack on the same turn it was Normal or Special Summoned.

Can you tribute a Special Summoned monster?

You can tribute a special summoned monster, yes.

What happens to a Special Summoned Gemini monster?

The answer to this question can vary. Unless the card that Special Summoned the Gemini Monster specifically says otherwise, the Gemini Monster will be treated as a Normal Monster. If you have not already Normal Summoned this turn, you can perform said action on the Special Summoned Gemini Monster. There may be cards such as Black Brutdrago that states "The Special Summoned monster is treated as an Effect Monster, and gains its effect." In this case, as it states, the Special Summoned monster gains its effect while it is on the field and you do not have to resummon it.

Can you attack with a monster right after you summon it?

depends if the monster has any special conditions under "effects" if its a normal monster then yes you can attack after summoned if its an effect monster and it doesn't say anything where you have to wait then you can attack the same turn. Hope this helps

Can a normal summoned monster attack in the same turn that you also special summon a different monster?

Yes of course. Special summoning never affects what can attack or not, unless specifically stated otherwise. You could normal summon and special summon a monster in main phase 1 and attack with both.

Can an effect monster be summoned?

um, yeah... all monster can be normal summoned, flip summoned, special summoned etc unless specified otherwise. eg, ancient gear golem says "this card cannot be special summoned".

Can 'Monster Reborn' summon a monster that says it can't be special summoned?

If a monster clearly says "This card cannot be special summoned" then no, of course not. If it says you can't do it, then you can't do it.

Can Neos Wiseman be special summoned from the graveyard?

Neos Wiseman is a 'cannot be special summoned except by' monster. That means his listed summon text is the only way he can ever be summoned, and can only do it while he is in your hand. You are unable to discard him then use Monster Reborn. Also even if he is properly special summoned first, he still can't be special summoned by Monster Reborn, unlike monsters who say 'can only be special summoned by'.

Does your opponent have to attack a monster you summon with A Hero Emerges?

No, not at all. When the defending player summons a monster after an attack has been declared, a 'replay' occurs. The attacking monster has to choose whether to continue its attack or discontinue it altogether and forfeit its attack that turn. If it continues the attack, it can be against a different target. If the monster was making a direct attack, and a stronger monster was summoned, then the attacker will most likely discontinue his attack. He can't continue as a direct attack, but is not forced to attack the newly summoned monster either.

You want to special summon a monster from your graveyard by using monster reborn BUT the card says it can only be special summoned by discarding a card from your handdo you need monster reborn?

A monster's special summon text only applies while it is in your hand. If a monster says it can 'only be' special summoned by a certain method, then assuming you do summon it properly, and it is then destroyed, then you are allowed to use Monster Reborn and do not have to pay any additional costs. If the above monster was simply discarded from hand by something else, then it can not be special summoned by Monster Reborn. If it says 'cannot be special summoned except by..' then it can't be brought back with Monster Reborn even if it was properly special summoned first.