Yes, you can build a Dungeon and place monsters in it, which you can then attack.
no you can not sell your house on runescape.
At a player owned house, someone who has a gilded wardrobe.
in a player owned house, cooking guild or the grand exchange off another player.
South of Edgeville, if you haven't done the Stronghold of Player Safety yet, then go to the house near the crevice.
You can not rent the "For Rent" house on Moshi Monsters. The house is used as part of a Super Moshi Mission.
In your player-owned-house, (PoH) you need to construct a lever in your Throne Room, then right click- challenge mode. Choose either PvP or no PvP, depending on whether you want players to be able to attack other players. (for monsters this choice doesn't matter). Once activated, the monsters will come alive and attack anyone in your dungeon. Including you.
The Normal Pacing Guards that you can get in a Player Owned House are:Skeleton GuardGuard DogHobgoblin GuardBaby Red DragonHuge SpiderTroll GuardHellhoundTrap Floor Monsters:RocnarTreasure Room Guards:DemonKalphite SoldierTok-XilDaggannothSteel Dragon
You can repair them at a Player Owned House.
Come out of construction mode, turn on pvp - have more than one person in your house.
no you can not sell your house on runescape.
Can only be done in a Player Owned House, simply by clicking it.
In someones player owned house with high level construction.
At a player owned house, someone who has a gilded wardrobe.
To get a mini-game in your RuneScape PoH (Player owned House) you need to create a games room then, with the construction level, you may create different games to play.
Look on the world list for Player Owned House Parties on them, those will be the worlds.
in a player owned house, cooking guild or the grand exchange off another player.
No, Your RuneScape House is based on your Construction Level.