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No. There are two issues worth mentioning.

One - cards attached to an XYZ monster are not considered on the field. This matters for cards like Sangan, but Peten doesn't say it has to go to the graveyard from the field, to be able to activate its effect. Peten's ok on this part.


Two - 'Optional Triggers' which are cards that say you 'can' activate their effects, and these can 'miss the timing' if their condition is met, but something is summoned, or something resolves, before the next chance to activate. Peten will always miss the timing if he goes to the graveyard as a cost. If you tribute him for a tribute summon, the summon makes him miss the timing. If you send him as a cost, the resolution of the effect makes him miss the timing. This is what will happen if you detach him from an XYZ monster.

Optional Triggers are a very complicated, and unintuitive game mechanic, see related link for an in-depth explanation including examples.

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Q: Can you activate Peten the Dark Clown's effect if it was detached as an XYZ material in Yu-Gi-Oh?
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