Yes of course. They're monsters with levels, just like normal and effect monsters.
you cant
No, because it wasn't 'properly' special summoned. To be able to special summon a Ritual Monster from the graveyard, it has to be initially summoned by Ritual Summon. Ritual Foregone does not Ritual Summon.
You have five monster slots on your Field, so even a card that can summon an unspecified amount of monsters (like Return from the Different Dimension) you will still only be able to summon a maximum of 5 to your own side of the field. There are no cards that can increase this, and Trap Monsters take up a monster card slot so it's not like you could have five regular monsters and an Embodiment of Apophis.
Joey's opponent sacrifices Fenrir and Inpachi to Tribute Summon Maju Garzett whose ATK value becomes 3000 with 0 DEF.
A tribute summon is a form of Normal Summon. So that means you can only tribute summon OR normal summon ONCE per turn.
In Yugioh Forbidden Memories, to summon ritual monsters you need to use the ritual card when you have the three required monsters on the field.
Yes, it does have to be in your hand.
you cant
No, because it wasn't 'properly' special summoned. To be able to special summon a Ritual Monster from the graveyard, it has to be initially summoned by Ritual Summon. Ritual Foregone does not Ritual Summon.
Mausoleum of the Emperoer allows you to pay 1000 life points per monster needed for the tribute, however currently there are no Lv12 monsters you can Normal Summon. Most are Fusion or Synchro Monsters, the four that are plain Effect Monsters all say they cannot be Normal Summoned or Set.
You can use Solemn Judgment on the summon of one of your own monsters, if you wish.
There are many action replay codes which can be used in the Pokemon games. There however, is not an action replay code to summon monsters without paying tribute in Yugioh World Championship for 2008.
more than likely, sadly yes. the new yugioh cards of 5D's mainly focus on syncro monsters. if you don't like them, then your not alone. a lot of people think with the new special summon, syncro or even the new type, psychic, are thought to have overdone the once great game, yugioh TM. sorry dude
It is so good that it is now banned (september 2009 banlist). It could be used to OTK by using Demise or Rescue cat: Demise OTK 1. Use advanced ritual art to special summon Demise by discarding 2 mecanical chasers 2. Activate Demise's ability to clear the field 3. Summon Black Salvo and Retrieve a mecanical chaser 4. Synchro summon Dark Strike Fighter with black salvo and mecanical chaser 5. Attack with Demise then DSF 6. Tribute both for game Rescue Cat OTK 1. Summon Summoner Monk. Discard a spell to summon another 2. Discard one more spell and summon a Rescue Cat 3. Tribute rescue cat to summon 2 X saber airbellums 4. Synchro summon 2 DSF with all your monsters 5. Attack with both then tribute both monsters and you win if the field is clear
The only time you can do this is if you are tributing the monster for a tribute summon, or sending them for some kind of special summon, like for Destiny Hero Plasma or a Synchro Summon. But if you wanted to summon another Lv4 monster, you cannot simply make room by sending a monster from the field to the graveyard, you can only do so by effect or game mechanic, like when it is destroyed by battle.
geminis must be summoned a second time to get the effect while effect monsters only need one summon
Since White Stone of Legend is a tuner it can be used with any other monster to synchro summon that is allowed