In theory yes, however it's highly unlikely. As long as you downloaded it from the official site you should be ok.
No, Wizard101 has no viruses if you install it from
No, it doesn't.
Yes it crashed my computer don't play it!
None work. Those that do work will give you a virus or steal your account. The only ones that are legit are the ones that KingsIsle gives. They may host an event that gives crowns though, in the future.
Awesome Wizardtry Wizard
No, Wizard101 has no viruses if you install it from
No, it doesn't.
No, it will not slow down your computer and no it will not give you virus
Club penguin(, meez(,wizard101(,spineworld(, these are some downloads but toontown can give you a virus but not all the time if you get a virus it gets off
yes it does, my computer had a virus and my dad took it to a guy and when my dad came back he said it was caused by wizard101
Yes it crashed my computer don't play it!
You need to download it to play don't worry it's not a virus.
Not in my case.. For example, I've been playing Wizard101 in the same computer for about 4 years now, and my computer has always been free of malware/worms. However, things like wizard101 open a port through your firewall which in such, hackers could (COULD*****) 'hack' you.
you can not give wings away in wizard101 because it says no trade no auction which means you cant trade anyone for the wings and you cant give them any wingsjason moonflame
You can get staves in wizard101 by defeating bosses that drop items or beating quests that give you stuff or defeating dungeons