Sure Ill trade you my friend code is:1418 5180 3838 the name is Cameron Trade Now
just trade from someone else
You can't. You can only get jirachi in ruby and sapphire. You would have to trade from ruby or sapphire.
To get jirachi, well, you missed it, game stop was doing a download thing where they give you jirachi, or you trade and get it
Jirachi cannot be caught in the wild. You'll need to migrate it from the Generation III games, trade for it, or use an Action Replay.
trade it over to soulsilver from your platinum if you got it from the gamestop event.
what level is jirachi???? and yes i want to trade i have jurachi il trade anything for slowpoke
My name is Jarad, and my friend code is 2234 6296 5274, does anyone want to trade? Hey ill trade u a lvl 40 legit jirachi got from my colosuem.. I have a manaphy from Pokemon ranger thati can trade what level do you want it at? My Friend code is: 0129 9625 4525.
The only legit way to obtain Jirachi is through a Nintendo event.
just trade from someone else
I can trade Jirachi I have two in Pokemon pearl If the wifi will accept it then I'll trade it for a lv100
Jirachi can be obtained during an upcoming Nintendo event in Japan, you can also use a action replay to encounter Jirachi within the wild or use the Nintendo WI-FI to trade someone with a Jirachi.
i have a lv 100 palkia, but not shiny i will give it to you for mew i want 1 badly xDdoes the palkia need to be legit if not ill find one on wi-fi
If they wanted to, but i wouldnt. You never know when they will give them out again.
only if you got the jirachi suprise the event jirachi
I will trade you a ho-oh but only of u trade me a areus,darkrai,or regigigas.
You trade it from someone that has it. NO you dont! there is a event at gamestop open til the end of feburary for a celibi.