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All ideas should be sent to Builderman.

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Q: Can someone tell you an idea for a roblox game idea?
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What profile on roblox is the creator's?

There are many Roblox creators at once. These are called administrators. They maintain and build the game that you see today. You can tell if someone is an administrator because they have a special badge.

How did Pokemon arena X get created on roblox?

i can tell you the creator is a huge Pokemon fan and was in love with it tell he found a website called roblox and he played both tell a day on roblox he saw a Pokemon game and got an idea to make his own so he kept adding Pokemon then it went on front page then became vary popular and that's it your welcome for the hep byetyped by roblox user bunnygum add me :D

Where is the URL on a roblox shirt?

Roblox is an online game that was marketed toward children and teenagers from the ages 8 to 18. The URL will not show on the Roblox shirt, the only way to tell is that the Roblox shirt will turn into a admin shirt.

What is ROBLOX password in Roblox 2020?

why are you asking? Are you planning on hacking roblox?

How can you tell when someone added you as best friend on roblox?

You cant and if your REALLY desperate for an answer go HANG YOUSELF

How do you give someone a gift in roblox?

The thing have to be BC.I am not BC so i cannot tell you anything else.

Is it a bad idea to tell someone who broke your heart that you miss them?

NO. It is a HORRIBLE idea.

Do people in roblox smell funny?

Seeing as to how it is an online game no. Now if you meant do the people who play roblox smell funny then there is no way to tell although my guess would be that some of them do.

How do you make your game in roblox famous?

Get visits >.<(Last Answer) Play GameBuilderExpert's game on roblox and invite 5-25 people and tell them the process. Send him (game title) (password) like t h i s (username) and when he logs in he will build for YOU.Just help make his game popular.

How can you tell your father who doesn't believe that roblox is safe?

ROLBOX is a safe children's online interactive game. It teaches children multiple skills that they could use in the game and/or in the near future. It is very safe because not only can just a regular player report someone "in-game" but also the ROBLOX staff are monitoring the site to make sure everything is ok and safe. He can either go to the ROBLOX parent page to see more or even make your account so you can't chat.

How do you use your sets on the updated roblox?

Roblox studio then roblox site will tell u rest

When you go to the Roblox website it says an error occured we're sorry can someone tell me what this means?

It Couldn't Load The Website.