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Yes. You need memorable recovery questions and they should be unguessable. Also, make your password unguessable and never tell anyone. If someone says they're a Jagex Moderator and they ask for your bank PIN and for you to say the first letter of your pass, then the rest, they're not a mod. They're trying to steal your account. Report the account who was a "moderator". TIP: Jagex Moderators will never ask for your PIN or password. Also you can use recovery codes this is a different person

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Q: Can someone help me because someone hacked my runescape account?
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Can someone give you their Runescape account mine got hacked?

You can create a new one at the Runescape website. However, you should first try to recover the hacked account. Go to the main page and look at the recover options.

How do you end a hacked accounts subscription in runescape?

Runescape Homepage > Account > Account Management > Cancel Subscription.

How do you retrieve a hacked account on Runescape?

if you didn't have recoveries set then you cant.

You got hacked can some one give you a runescape account?

If a player was hacked, then the account could be retrieved by using their recovery questions. Do not accept an account that has been will either get banned or lose the account to the true owner.

Someone got a level 80 or higher runescape account i can have?

Account trading and giving away accounts is against Jagex rules. yea well so is hacking and i was hacked

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Dont ask for accounts... If your looking for an account that has alot of money then either get it yourself or quit runescae... you usally get your computer hacked if someone gives you their account.

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Then you must create a new account, with a new name. Note that transferring accounts between players is against the rules of RuneScape.

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get a new account

Can i pleae have free runescape account please i were hacked at lvl 31?

Trading accounts is against the rules, but you can create a new account yourself.

Can some one send you a runescape account that doesn't suck to your email because you got hacked your email is v tileryahoocom?

No, considering this is against the Jagex Rules of Play.

What is the tipe of hacked RuneScape called?

runescape private servers search it check all results when found make an account and get whatever u want ☻

My level 59 in runescape got hacked could i have a free account?

Sorry, but it is against the Jagex rules of play to lend out accounts, you could try the recover account feature of the Runescape Homepage to try to redeem ownership of your account.