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Q: Can salamence learn outrage in Pokemon white and how?
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How do you catch a salamance in Pokemon White?

You can get Salamence by: Transferring it into Pokemon White. Trade for it. Get a Bagon or Shelgon to evolve into Salamence.

Can you catch a wild salamence on Pokemon black and white?

yes sure you can

Where do you get the TM outrage in Pokemon White?

Train one of your Pokemon. Try and see if the PokeMart sells it.

What level does haxorus learns outrage in Pokemon white?

he learns it at level 66

Can a Pokemon learn ice burn?

currently no pokemon can learn ice burn in black or white. how ever it will be the signature move of white kyurem in pokemon white 2

What is the last move that landorus learns in Pokemon white or black?

The last move it learns is Outrage, at level 85

Which move should you get rid of for hyper voice dragon pulse or outrage in Pokemon black and white?

depends what pokemon it depends if it is a special or physical attacker

Which Pokemon can learn flash in Pokemon White?

blitzle... i think

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What Pokemon can learn charge in Pokemon white?

Any electric type pokemon.

Which Pokemon can learn hypnosis in Pokemon white and black?

Munna and Sigilyph.

Can Kyuren learn Freeze Bolt in Pokemon White?

Technically, this move is hidden within the game and so NO pokemon can learn it, including kyurem. However, it is highly speculated that kyurem will be able to learn it in Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon White 2.