No, Paladin is not members, you need rank 10 Warrior and Healer rank 10. you can change class in battleon like me, The sun57! GOOD LUCK!
from what i know, you need to have 2000 ac's and use them to buy the class from the class dealer in batleon. there may be another way, but im not sure. oh yeah, sorry non members, but its members only.
you do all the non-member quests in dragons lair
Dragon slayer Shaman Mage Rogue Warrior Healer Ninja Rustbucket Enforcer Barber No class
Sort by Non-Member - Member - Adventure Coin - Rare - All - Classes Starting Classes Healer Class Mage Class Rogue Class Warrior Class Secondary Upgrade Classes Acolyte Class Renegade Class Sorcerer Class Warlord Class Tier-Two Classes Paladin Class Paladin Class (AC) DoomKnight DoomKnight (AC) Individual Classes Alpha Pirate Assassin Class Barber Class Bard Beast Warrior Class Berserker Class Beta Berserker CardClasher Chaos Shaper ChronoCorruptor Chronomancer ClawSuit Darkside Defender Dragonlord Class Dragonslayer Enforcer Class Evolved Clawsuit 10 Evolved Clawsuit 11 Evolved Shaman Evolved Shaman (AC) Giftbox Guardian Class Horc Evader Class Horc Evader Class (AC) Leprechaun Necromancer Necromancer (AC) Ninja Class No Class PaladinSlayer Class Pirate Class ProtoSartorium (Class) Pumpkin Lord Ranger Rustbucket Shaman Starlord Class Troll SpellSmith Class Troll SpellSmith Class (AC) UndeadSlayer UndeadSlayer (AC) Vampire Class Vindicator of They Witch
It is a good class for non-members.
No, Paladin is not members, you need rank 10 Warrior and Healer rank 10. you can change class in battleon like me, The sun57! GOOD LUCK!
from what i know, you need to have 2000 ac's and use them to buy the class from the class dealer in batleon. there may be another way, but im not sure. oh yeah, sorry non members, but its members only.
Best for non members is either Rustbucket, (You can obtain it by completing the quests in Crash site < /join dwakel > ) or Warrior < /join trainers >. Mage is not a bad class and Healer is an important class too. Keep healer as a backup on team fights.
Members: Undead Champion Non-Members: Shadow Ghoul
You can get a pet that is non members at the quibble shop for 500ac.
Best for non members is either Rustbucket, (You can obtain it by completing the quests in Crash site < /join dwakel > ) or Warrior < /join trainers >. Mage is not a bad class and Healer is an important class too. Keep healer as a backup on team fights.
you do all the non-member quests in dragons lair
you can go there normally now because it has been released for non members also
A strong and easy non-member class to get would be Ninja. It only requires 15000 gold to get from Mazumi in greenguardwest.