No. It won't work on XP SP2 or anything higher. It will work with XP SP1 however.
yes, you will. I ve got Windows Vista and I could install it and play it
Well this game was not made when Windows Vista was around. It may work but may not be as good.
i need updates for thrustmastre usb wifi for vista
Yes, it runs if you set it to XP compadibility mode.
Yes it does...... but i had it on that but it kept freezing... that's probably because my computer wasnt powerful enough.
Nero does work on Windows Vista.
Yes, it can work with Windows Vista, it actually works great
No. Vista Inspirat is a Vista theme for Windows XP. As XP themes do not work on Windows 7, the theme cannot be used as is.
Games that are written specifically for Windows Vista will not work on Windows XP. Most games are written so that they will work on both.
Yes, I have BFBC2 for Vista and Windows 7 and it does work.
No. Due to the length of time between the releases of Windows XP and Windows Vista, as well as Windows Vista ditching support for some legacy technologies, there are many devices that will not function in Windows Vista but work in Windows XP.
Yes. Windows Vista includes DirectX 9.
yeah. i have windows vista and there are no problems
Yes, they should
Drivers written for Windows Vista are not backwards-compatible with Windows XP. Most hardware that has a driver for Vista should also have a driver for Windows XP.
There is a windows vista freeware that you can download and use. Simply search dreamrender for windows vista freeware and you should come across it.
Every Windows Distribution is writen in binary non Open Source files. By the way, there are different versions of Windows Vista: Windows Vista 64-bit and Windows Vista 32-bit. Windows Vista 64-bit or x64 can work with 64-bit AMD Processors.