It depends on which pokemon game you are referring to. Go to and look for machamp to see what games he can learn it in.
Geodude learns rock smash by teaching it the HM move rock smash.
A wide variety of Pokemon can use Rock Smash. Most Fighting, Rock and Ground type Pokemon can learn the move Rock Smash from the TM or HM depending on the Pokemon version.
no Pokemon can learn rock smash by leveling up you have to get the hm.
Rock Smash is a Hm you get when you get to the third gym. So, he doesn't learn it but you can make him learn it with that Hm
No Oddish cannot learn Rock Smash.
Geodude learns rock smash by teaching it the HM move rock smash.
rock blast explosion earthquake rock tomb is also can learn the HM move rock climb and rock smash i hope i helped :)
A wide variety of Pokemon can use Rock Smash. Most Fighting, Rock and Ground type Pokemon can learn the move Rock Smash from the TM or HM depending on the Pokemon version.
No, it cannot learn Rock Smash.
no Pokemon can learn rock smash by leveling up you have to get the hm.
Rock Smash is a Hm you get when you get to the third gym. So, he doesn't learn it but you can make him learn it with that Hm
No Oddish cannot learn Rock Smash.
vaccum wave from move tutor, brick break and rock smash TM and hm and can learn coounter by breeding but cant learn rock or ground moves
Wingull cannot Rock Smash, try teaching it to Linoone or Bidoof.
a move in Pokemon to smash rocks so you can get past
Abra cannot learn Rock Smash. Abra can learn some TMs which help a lot as it doesn't learn any attack moves by itself until it evolves.