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Q: Can gb station light play gba sp game paks?
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What is the focus of the website GTPlantet?

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Can you tell the names of game consoles?

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Do you need the red and blue memory card 2 play Pokemon box ruby and sapphire?

You only need 1 of the game paks .Ps you need the connector aswell.

Does the play station 4 light up?

Not really

When was the game Ultimate Alliance released?

The game (also known as MUA) was released on October 24th of 2006 for all platforms included Play Station 3, Play Station 2, Play Station Portable, Xbox and Xbox 360

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Your son bought a ds game off eBay and it wont play on dsi?

I think it's the way they're made. Unlike Play Station & Play Station 2-you can play Play Station games on Play Station 2. So they might not be made like that.

Can you download a game from ds download play with no game?

No unless you use the Nintendo Channel on the wii and select the Ds Download thing and you can have a free game demo, this should answer your question, or are you talking about game paks inside your ds and if you can download games even if you have no game in the ds? If so yes you can.

How can you play game station game on computer?

You can't play PlayStation games on the computer. It is just not possible at all.

What does game mode on a tv do?

Game mode will connect you to your play station or Wii or nintendo...etc. So that you can play it.

Is there an eragon game for the playstation 2?

Yes, the game does exist on play station 2

Where are the best Naruto game?

The naruto shippuden game for the play station 2 is AMAZING!!! the naruto DS games don't have good graphics, and the naruto ii games are really hard. So definitely get the naruto shippuden game for the play station 2. The naruto shippuden game for the play station 2 is AMAZING!!! the naruto DS games don't have good graphics, and the naruto ii games are really hard. So definitely get the naruto shippuden game for the play station 2.