We'll all love that wouldn't we? But sadly the answer is no, only manaphy can breed. (No Rotom is not a legendary)
any Pokemon can breed with ditto except legendary Pokemon and ditto. in other words, you can't breed a ditto with a ditto
anything can breed with ditto.
Any Pokemon can breed with ditto.
Any Pokemon that can breed can breed with a ditto.
no you cant
No you can not. It is a Legendary and therefore can not breed.
One legendary can be breed. And that is Manaphy. If you breed it with a ditto or another Manaphy, you can get a Phione.
Arceus will not breed with Ditto due to being a Legendary Pokémon which makes it unable to breed. Most Legendary Pokémon are unable to breed with the exception of Manaphy however it can only breed with Ditto and it will only result in Phione Pokémon Eggs and Phione cannot evolve into Manaphy.
any Pokemon can breed with ditto except legendary Pokemon and ditto. in other words, you can't breed a ditto with a ditto
anything can breed with ditto.
Nothing. Since a Ditto can no breed with another Ditto. They will produce no egg.
yes ditto can breed with empoleon
Any Pokemon can breed with ditto.
Any Pokemon that can breed, can breed with Ditto.
1st of all, you can catch Arceus with a masterball (cause i did). Second, if you mean put Arceus and ditto in the daycare then get a arceus egg i think u can do that. I no some1 why has a shaymin egg with a ditto so I think u can with any genderless pokemon...
Any Pokemon that can breed can breed with a ditto.