yes you have to open it up and pull 3 wires out then tape them back in then you will have wifi for 360
You either have to have the wireless adapter or the xbox 360 slim (which is better)
well xbox 360 elite is $299.99 xbox 360 arcade is $399.99 i will pick xbox 360 elite. there is no xbox 720 there is just a newer xbox 360 with wifi built in.
You don't. If you have the new Xbox 360, you don't need a wireless adapter because it has built in wifi. But if you have any other Xbox 360 console then you will need a wireless adapter.
No, the console itself is not a wifi port. It can howerver be hooked up to wifi.
No. The Xbox 360 S has built-in wifi.
The Xbox 360 is WiFi compatible.
Xbox s has wifi adapter in it the normal one you have to buy one to use wireless
Only the Xbox 360 S has built-in wifi.
You either have to have the wireless adapter or the xbox 360 slim (which is better)
Xbox 360
You can if you have wifi
There is no way to use your iPod's internet connection for your Xbox because your iPod cannot hook-up to your Xbox's ethernet port.
well xbox 360 elite is $299.99 xbox 360 arcade is $399.99 i will pick xbox 360 elite. there is no xbox 720 there is just a newer xbox 360 with wifi built in.
You don't. If you have the new Xbox 360, you don't need a wireless adapter because it has built in wifi. But if you have any other Xbox 360 console then you will need a wireless adapter.
No, the console itself is not a wifi port. It can howerver be hooked up to wifi.