No. And to be honest Magical Leaf on a Torterra would be useless if it could due to Torterra being a Physical Attacker not a Specialist Attacker (Magical Leaf is a Special Move)
Torterra can learn Leaf Storm at level 57.
A Torterra evolves at level 32 and learns Leaf Storm upon evolving
No. Torterra doesn't, because that move is only in the Hoenn Region.
Torerra learns leaf storm at level 100
Kirlia CANNOT learn Magical Leaf in R/S/E but in D/P/Plat it learns Magical Leaf on Lv22.
Torterra can learn Leaf Storm at level 57.
A Torterra evolves at level 32 and learns Leaf Storm upon evolving
Turtwig is able to learn Razor Leaf at level 13.
No. Torterra doesn't, because that move is only in the Hoenn Region.
Lv. 57 is the level when Torterra learns leaf storm but you can also teach it frenzy plant
Torerra learns leaf storm at level 100
Kirlia CANNOT learn Magical Leaf in R/S/E but in D/P/Plat it learns Magical Leaf on Lv22.
Turtwig:45 Grotle:52 Torterra:57
level 36
Torterra learns Leaf Storm at level 57.
At level 19, Roselia leans magical leaf. Some of the other moves Roselia can learn are blizzard, solar beam, energy ball, and poison sting.
my torterra knows:giga drain frensy plant hyper beam and stone edge torterra can also learn the moves leaf storm rock climb and rock smash