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Not only is this possible, it's actually possible to do damage in the millions in (highly improbable) situations. For example, a level 100 Ho-Oh holding a Choice Band, with the ability Huge Power or Pure Power (not normally possible without the use of cheating devices) and its maximum attack stat/maxed out attack through attack stat increases can do 26,807,962 damage against a level 1 Paras with the Dry Skin ability and the lowest possible defense through its lowest possible defense stat/attacks that decrease defense.

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Q: Can a Pokemon do 2000 or more damage?
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Fire-type Pokemon can deal double the damage to Grass, Steel, Ice, and Bug-type Pokemon. Thankfully, it is resistant to the types that can do more damage to with the addition to Fairy-type, cutting their damage in half.

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u get an attack that works better if your Pokemon likes you so if your Pokemon hates you the attack will do like no damage where as if it loves u it does more damage if that makes sense

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The higher the level, the more damage it will do, the more hits it will take, the faster it will be, and the more moves it will learn.

When was Pokemon 2000 released?

Pokemon 2000 was released on 07/21/2000.

What is the best Pokemon to beat prinplup?

any grass or dragon moves will be good (the higher the level of pokemon the more damage the moves will do to the target)

How do you fix a damage Pokemon sapphire version game?

That will depend on how it is damaged. You will need to be more specific.

What was the Production Budget for Pokemon 2000?

The Production Budget for Pokemon 2000 was $30,000,000.

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Yes, the Pokemon does half damage if wounded

How do you make your Pokemon happier in Pokemon Platinum?

if your Pokemon level ups, its happiness will increase automatically. but if you give your Pokemon a soothe bell, its happiness will increase faster, and it will evolve faster (by certain Pokemon). also return will do more damage