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Well you can have a wedding for them, but they can't have babies you could always adopt a lil kinz and say that's there child, but they cant have babies

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Q: Can Webkinz get married and have babies?
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Why dont webkinz have babies and get married?

i think they do not because Ganz wants people to pay for the webkinz!!!

Can Webkinz make babies?

no, they cannot make babies.

Can your Webkinz get married on Webkinz world?

You can't. Sorry.

How do you get married on webkinz world?

Well You Can't Get Married to Another Person through Webkinz World.

Is Webkinz often considered for babies or toddlers?

well not for babies because they are too young. Webkinz is quite childish because its STUFFED ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can webkinz get maried?

Webkinz cannot get married. I'm sorry. But, you can buy more Webkinz to add to your Webkinz Family! LOL!

What if you already paid for the webkinz then can they get marriade?

Webkinz cannot get married to another webkinz online no matter what, sorry!

Can people make their webkinz have babies?

Sorry, but no. But you can "pretend" to have some of your webkinz get married and adopt a Lil'Kinz as their baby. Sadly, you can't get a crib or stroller, but you might be abled to get wedding clothes of some sort. I'm not sure. I hope this helped you, Sadie Rel

How do Webkinz get maried?

Unfortunately Webkinz cannot get married. But with your plush, you can do whatever you want with them.

How do you get Webkinz to marry?

you can't marry webkinz. Ganz said they are to young to get married

What is a doll code and where is it?

There's webkinz, benie babies 2.0

How do you have a wedding for your Webkinz?

You can not, Webkinz is suppost to be a website for kids and little kids dont get married