No, it cannot be taught to it. You can evolve it to Vaporeon and then teach it Surf.
Vaporeon learns Hydro Pump at level 71.
Milotic, Empoleon or Vaporeon.
use TM03
No, Togepi cannot learn Surf.
No, it cannot be taught to it. You can evolve it to Vaporeon and then teach it Surf.
I'm not sure what you mean, but generally if a Pokemon can't learn Surf, it means they just aren't the right species. For example, a Vaporeon could learn Surf, but a Rattata couldn't. It doesn't matter how many Pokemon or what items you're carrying. Some Pokemon just will never be able to learn certain moves - like Surf.
Vaporeon learns Hydro Pump at level 71.
Vaporeon learns Ice Beam at level 36 in Generation I. In subsequent generations, Vaporeon must be taught Ice Beam by using a TM or TR.
Milotic, Empoleon or Vaporeon.
You have to use the HM surf It does not learn surf by leveling
use TM03
No, Togepi cannot learn Surf.
No. Seviper cannot learn surf.
Vanillite cannot learn Surf.
One can learn how to surf from websites like About, Away, Lajolla Surf, Surfing Waves, Learn to Surf, wikiHow, Surf Science, New Quay Surfer, Surf Noosa and Dano Surf.
Slowpoke does not learn Surf by levelling up, but it can learn Surf via HM in all generations.