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No because fakes can't trade with real games

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Q: Can Pokemon arcoiris trade with Pokemon LeafGreen?
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Can you trade Pokemon LeafGreen with Pokemon LeafGreen?

Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.

Can Pokemon Gold trade with Pokemon LeafGreen?

no, you can't trade Pokemon from gold to leafgreen. But you can trade them from Pokemon XD from gamecube.

How do you trade Pokemon from Pokemon pearl to Pokemon LeafGreen?

Sorry, but you can't. You can trade from LeafGreen to Pearl, but not back.

How do you get bellsprout in Pokemon FireRed?

Bellsprout has to be found wild, in leafgreen, you need to trade from Leafgreen for Pokemon.

What if you cant trade Pokemon from Pokemon Pearl to Pokemon LeafGreen?

HelloSorry to say but you cant trade Pokemon from pearl to leafgreen but you can migrate Pokemon from leafgreen to pearl via the pal park

Is Pokemon arcoiris real?

Yes, Pokemon Arcoiris is real. I have it and it is a very tough hacked game.

Can you trade your Pokemon LeafGreen game for Pokemon Emerald game?

yes you can trade pokemon leafgreen pokemon to pokemon emerald version same as pokemon fire.

What region is Pokemon arcoiris in?

Pokémon Arcoiris is based in the Orange Islands

Where to get deoxys?

Pokemon Emerald: Birth Island Pokemon Sapphire: Trade from Pokemon FireRed, LeafGreen, or Emerald. Pokemon Ruby: Trade from Pokemon FireRed, LeafGreen, or Emerald.

What Pokémon can move things in Pokémon arcoiris?

Pokemon arcoiris was a game that was fan based and is a waste of time to figure out... You probably got scammed... Pokemon Arcoiris is not a real game.

Where haunter will be trade in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can trade it to a friend.

What Jhoto Pokemon can you get on LeafGreen?

You would have to trade the pokemon.