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It can connect to pokemon battle revolution.

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Q: Can Pokemon Soul Silver connect to wii?
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Can Pokemon soul-silver connect to wii?

yes if a wii is in range

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Is Heart Gold and Soul Silver compatible with Pokemon Battle Revolution for the Wii?

sorry but they are not

Do heart gold and soul silver work with My Pokemon Ranch for the wii?

NO but there suppost to link it in about a month-posted 7-5-10 by Jmaster25

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How do you buy my Pokemon Ranch?

You connect your wii to the internet, and buy it off of the wii shop channel.

How can i get shaymin on battle revolution on wii?

You transfer Shaymin from a DS game (Pokemon diamond, pearl, or platinum) to the wii by clicking "storage", then choose "copy Pokemon". Then choose "copy Pokemon" again and turn on your DS. Go to your Pokemon title screen and "Connect to Wii" should be on the menu list. Choose it and it will connect to the wii and transfer all your Pokemon to PBR. (note): you can only use the same game that you used to connect PBR for the first time.

Connect Nintendo DS to Nintendo Wii?

The Wii's Nintendo Channel allows you to send demos to your DS Pokemon Battle Revolution (Wii) connects to Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum (DS) and you can do various things like transfer pokemon. I don't know of any other wii games that connect to the DS yet.

Playing Pokemon diamond on the Wii?

Need to connect DS to wii somehow. But you can use special wires to conect to TV

Can Pokemon Platinum connect to Pokemon Battle Revolution?

Yes it can I tried it Yesterday from Pokemon Platinum to the Nintendo Wii Written By Anaira99

Will there be a Pokemon Snap 2?

Right now there are no plans, but Pokemon Snap 1 is downloadable for the Wii but you need a gamecube controller. It is quite possible considering Nintendo remakes the Pokemon games every few years Red/Blue- Leaf Green/Fire Red Gold/Silver- Heart gold/ Soul silver Pokemon stadium 1 &2- Pokemon Battle revolution.