

Best Answer

minecraft alpha is already free. It is also known as minecraft classic and can be played for free on All you need to do is create a free account then click the play classic button.

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Q: Can Minecraft alpha be free as well?
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What is Minecraft classic?

Minecraft Classic is an outdated but free version of Minecraft. you have no health. unlimited blocks. Alpha terrain.

Is Minecraft alpha free?

No. The only legally free version of Minecraft is the demo creative mode on Minecraft's home page. The link can be found below.

What year did Minecraft Alpha come out?

Minecraft Alpha came out in 2009.

How do you work Minecraft alpha?

Minecraft is no longer in the Alpha stage. It has been updated to Minecraft Beta. Update your Minecraft game client.

Do you have to pay when you play Minecraft alpha?

You have to buy the game if you want to play any version of Minecraft Survival Mode. The only free version of Minecraft is Classic, which can be found on the Minecraft official website.

How do you down grade your Minecraft to alpha?

You need an a jar from alpha stages, which you can get with Minecraft Nostalgia.

Can you play Minecraft for free and for no downloads?

Not that I'm aware of. Maybe on they have like an old Alpha version.

How do you get Minecraft alpha?

You have to buy it but it Just went in beta its more money :( But classics free Its still fun. :D

How do you get a working Minecraft free download?

Well minecraft has a copyright on the game so a free download not from is illegal.

Where can you download mine craft alpha for free?

Go to the minecraft main website and make an account (for free) and click Singleplayer, where it says play classic.

How do you make maps for Minecraft alpha servers?

You cannot in alpha