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No, contact fusions look specifically for the names of the components. Fusion substitutes like King of the Swamp can 'stand in' for fusion components most of the time, but not when the Fusion Monster specifically says it can only use the listed cards.

Elemental Hero Prisma is different because he does change his name, so can be used for contact fusions. But regular fusion substitutes cannot.

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Q: Can King of the Swamp be used for a Contact Fusion?
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What is used in a Fusion Summon?

A Fusion Summon generally consists of two or more Fusion Material Monsters and the Spell Card Polymerization.Some Fusion Summons, such as Contact Fusion, do not require the use of Polymerization and can be fused as directed on the Fusion Monster.

Is fusion summon the same as special summon?

A Fusion Summon is a Special Summon and things that can be used against Special Summons can also be used against a Fusion Summon. But not all Special Summons are Fusion Summons, even if they do so happen to summon a Fusion Monster. For example, Cyber Stein Special Summons a fusion monster, it does not Fusion Summon it.

Can you use Fusion Substitute monsters from the deck for the effects of Future Fusion or Chain Material?

No, you cannot use Fusion Substitute Monsters for "Future Fusion". You can, however, use Fusion Substitute Monsters for "Chain Material" as long as those Fusion Substitute Monsters exist on your field or hand. The reason Fusion Substitute Monsters cannot be used from your deck is because they have no substitute ability while in the deck and thus cannot be used as replacements for other Fusion Material Monsters.

Can you use fusion cards to help summon XYZ Fusion Monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh?

No, cards like 'Polymerization', 'Future Fusion', and 'Fusion Gate' cannot be used to summon any of the XYZ Fusion Monsters. These Fusion Monsters cannot be Fusion Summoned and requires you to banish the monsters listed on the Fusion Monster from your side of the field in order to Special Summon them.

If you use De-Fusion a Fusion Monster do you get back the Fusion Material Monsters from your graveyard?

Yes, you will Special Summon the Fusion Material monsters for the Fusion Monster; as long as the following conditions are met:The Fusion Monster you are targeting was Fusion SummonedAll the monsters used to Fusion Summon must be your GraveyardFor example, if you use De-Fusion on your Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (BEUD), it will be returned to your Extra Deck. Then, if that BEUD was Fusion Summoned and all the monsters used to Fusion Summon it are in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon all of them to your side of the field. This includes Substitute Fusion Material monsters if they were used.If the Fusion Monster was not Fusion Summoned, it will still be returned to the Extra Deck, but no additional monsters will be Special Summoned.These same rules apply to your opponent's Fusion Monster you target with De-Fusion. However, if your opponent is in control of your Fusion Monster when you target it, the Fusion Monster will be returned to your Extra Deck and the Fusion Material monsters will be Special Summoned to your side of the field.

Related questions

Can you Fusion Summon a monster using Polymerization King of the Swamp and another monster with a name changed to be the Fusion monster's other Fusion material in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Yes. King of the Swamp says the other component must be correct, by that it means it must have the same name as the component listed on the Fusion Monster. This is to stop another 'fusion substitute' with a different name from being used, like a second King of the Swamp.But if a card can change its name, then it is now one of the listed components, so it's valid to use a name-changed card plus King of the Swamp.

Is contact fusion real card?

'Contact Fusion' is not a card, it is the informal (anime) name for a type of Elemental Hero monsters, plus by extension, a few monsters who fuse the same way, like Gladiator Beast Gyzarus. In a contact fusion, the components are returned to deck, to fusion summon the Fusion Monster. Unlike a regular fusion, the components are not sent to the graveyard, and Polymerization is not used.

What is used in a Fusion Summon?

A Fusion Summon generally consists of two or more Fusion Material Monsters and the Spell Card Polymerization.Some Fusion Summons, such as Contact Fusion, do not require the use of Polymerization and can be fused as directed on the Fusion Monster.

How do you summon a Fusion Monster if one of the Fusion Material Monsters is another Fusion Monster?

When it comes to using Fusion Monsters as Fusion Material Monsters, they are used no differently than any other monster you would use as a Fusion Material Monster.For example, in order to use Polymerization, the required Fusion Material Monsters must be present in your hand and/or field. Since Fusion Monsters cannot exist in your hand, if you needed to Fusion Summon Dragon Master Knight, you will need to have the Fusion Monster Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon on the field and Black Luster Solider in your hand or on the field.It should also be noted that some Fusion Monsters like Dragon Master Knight do not state that "a Fusion Summon of this monster can only be conducted with the above Fusion Material Monsters". So you can use Fusion Substitute Monsters like King of the Swamp in place of the Fusion Monster.

Hauraki plains used to be known as which swamp?

Piako Swamp

What measurement do you use to measure a swamp?

Acres or hectares are commonly used to measure the size of a swamp. Other measurements, like square miles or square kilometers, can also be used depending on the scale of the swamp.

What is a swamp chicken?

A swamp chicken is a slang term used for certain types of people. A swamp chicken is when a white girl only dates black men.

Does contact fusion work on monsters in your hand?

No, Contact Fusion must occur on the field and only on the field. Polymerization cannot be used to fuse the monsters- no matter where they are. Just to clarify and make sure I answer any other questions you might have on the subject, here's how to Contact Fuse. The monsters must be on the field (face-up or face-down). You declare to your opponent that you are performing a Contact Fusion and reveal the monsters you will be fusing on the field. Then you must meet the cost of the Contact Fusion by sending the Fusion Material monsters back to your deck (like for Neo Spacian & Neos fusions), to the Graveyard or out-of-play (like for any VWXYZ Fusion monsters or Armitael, Phantom of Chaos) and Special Summon your Fusion Monster. It's important to note that this is all done in "one-fellow-swoop". In other words, your opponent doesn't get a chance to respond or chain to your Contact Fusion when you declare it to maybe destroy one of your monsters. After you Special Summon the monster, a card can be activated (like, unfortunately, a Bottomless trap Hole or Solemn Judgement to destroy your new monster...). I hope this'll clear up anything you wanted to know about Contact Fusions, but you can always check out this link for clarification:

What is the term used to describe a fusion of the ankles?

The term used to describe a fusion of the ankles is ankle arthrodesis.

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Can you use De-Fusion on card effects?

"De-Fusion" can only be used on Fusion-type Monsters. No exceptions.

How is fusion energy used?

It is not used on earth