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No. None of the 'legendary' Pokemon can breed--that's one reason that makes them unique.

well manaphy can lay eggs, but hatch them quick or else it'll be a phione egg. trust me, i tried. lugia will lay eggs if you give it wave incense.

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Q: Can Jirachi and Deoxys lay an egg?
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How do you make Deoxys lay egg in Pokemon soul silver?

Deoxys cannot lay eggs, it is a legendary, no legendaries can lay eggs unless of course it was a cheat.

Where is jirachi and Deoxys in Pokemon sapphire?

You can only get Jirachi from the Pokemon colosseum bonus disc.As for Deoxys, you need to trade it off fire red or leaf green

Where do you get Deoxys mew Celebi and jirachi in ruby?

You cannot find Mew, Celebi, Jirachi and Deoxys in Pokémon Ruby. Mew, Celebi, Jirachi and Deoxys are event-only Pokémon. Jirachi was available on the pre-order disc for Pokémon Colosseum that would allow you to download Jirachi from the disc over to Pokémon Ruby.

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In Pokemon emerald can you complete your pokedex without Jirachi and Deyoxys?

You can't if you have deoxys showing, but jirachi and deoxys don't show on the normal pokedex unless you caught one.

What are all the lengendarys you can catch on Pokemon sapphire?

Latias, Kyogre, Registeel, Regice, Regirock, Rayquaza, *Deoxys, *Jirachi *Deoxys and Jirachi require an event/Japanese only

Is Deoxys stronger than jirachi?

in the show deoxys but since their stats are statistically the same (pokemon marriland) and jirachi can defend from his moves because hes steel i dont agree.... for me jirachi is stronger because jirachi can teleport anywhere in the universe jirachi is even stronger than uxie,azelf,mesprit

How do you catch jirachi and Deoxys?

To catch JIRACHI you have to use the Pokemon colloseum disk. To catch DEOXYS you have to go to a Pokemon Nintendo promo event and get the aurura ticket downloaded on your game.

Is there such Pokemon as Jiroxy that is created when you breed Jirachi and Deoxys?

No. It is fake [although there is an Action Replay code to get it, but when you go in the battle screen it will appear as Deoxys or Jirachi (50/50 Chance)].

Can you have a jirachi egg on soul silver?

Jirachi does not breed. The only way to have a jirachi egg is through hacking.

Can someone please trade me a Deoxys a Jirachi a Celebi or all of them?

i have Deoxys in attack form. i have DEOXYS in attack form go to the Pokemon center now

What is the Pokemon Jirachi egg trick?

there is no jirachi egg trick, but there is a celebii egg trick in Pokemon crystal