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Q: Can Golbat learn Fly in Pokemon Fire red and Leaf green?
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What level does Zubat evolve in Pokemon Leaf Green and Fire Red?

It evolves at lvl 22 into golbat then Crobat by getting max happens

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i have two Pokemon from Pokemon fire red/leaf green and togepi/togetic and gengar can learn metronome

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Ivysaur will learn sweet scent at level 29 in Pokemon fire red and left green.

Can Crobat evolve in Pokemon fire-red and leaf-green?

Sadly, Crobat can't Evolve because it's the last form of Zubat. Zubat --> Golbat --> Crobat. ^^ Good Luck!

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level 45 in fire red leaf green

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Jolteon can learn thunder in Pokemon fire red and leaf green at level 52.....yeah....6-11-09...V.Y.

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No only Fire Red and Leaf Green and trade it from Pokemon fire red and leaf green

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You can transfer a diglet from leaf green or fire red (you catch them with dig), or trade for other game with Pokemon that learn dig.

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Charmeleon evolves into Charizard, not Golbat.

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You can only "learn" Fire Punch in Diamond via breeding a Pokemon with another who already knows Fire Punch (Magmar for example)

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