charmeleon evolves at level 36 into charizard then tries to learn wing attack
I'm 99.999999999...% positive that charizard learns flare blitz at level 66.
give victini a heart will try to learn fusion flare and fusion bolt
Charizard can't learn flare blitz because its not a move, maybe your talking about Blast burn it needs to be level 50 to learn it then go to two island and go north to a house go in and talk to the lady show her your charizard and she will teach it blast burn.
In leaf green, you can learn flamethrower somewhere between levels 35 through 40. You can do this with a charmeleon/charizard. I'm not sure about other pokemon, though.
Fire. It evolves into charizard, which is fire and flying. Charizard can also learn dragon rage.
charmeleon evolves at level 36 into charizard then tries to learn wing attack
I'm 99.999999999...% positive that charizard learns flare blitz at level 66.
get a Pokemon that knows beat up and mate it with a female charmeleon or charizard
give victini a heart will try to learn fusion flare and fusion bolt
it can learn fusion flare extrasensory blue flare crunch Draco meteor and dragon pulse and loads more
Charizard can't learn flare blitz because its not a move, maybe your talking about Blast burn it needs to be level 50 to learn it then go to two island and go north to a house go in and talk to the lady show her your charizard and she will teach it blast burn.
In leaf green, you can learn flamethrower somewhere between levels 35 through 40. You can do this with a charmeleon/charizard. I'm not sure about other pokemon, though.
In the Pokémon universe, Charizard is the evolved form of Charmeleon. It can learn the following moves by leveling up: flare blitz, heat wave, dragon claw, shadow claw, air slash, scratch, growl, ember, smokescreen, dragon rage, scary face, fire fang, flame burst, wing attack, slash, flamethrower, fire spin, inferno, heat wave, and fire blitz. Many more movements can be learned by using technical machines or hidden machines.
Before it evolves into charizard at level 36 and after it evolves from charmander at 16 it learns Smokescreen (lvl.20), Scary Face (lvl.27), and Flamethrower (lvl.34)
No, Charizard is not able to learn Thunder.
Reshiram learns Fusion Flare and Zekrom learns Fusion Bolt. If you made one of them forget those moves, go to Mistralton City and go to the house next to the Pokemon Center and one of them will make your Pokemon learn that move in exchange of a Heart Scale.