you collect med kits
the med kits are scatered around the battle fields
and when you get some (it should show a med kit, then the numbers of how many you got) you press the up or down arrow keys (i cant remember, havent played in a while)
but this is for the ps2
idk about the other stations
level up and your miscrits will be full health or buy by facebook money or wait every hour!
They heal 21 Hp
There is no way to heal it unless you have a Splash Potion of Healing/Regeneration. Although there is a rumor that you can heal it by feeding it fish after you tame it.
Use a Paralyz heal or Full Heal. They are very cheap at PokeMarts.
No, it is considered a normal Pokemon battle. Does your poekmon heal every time you get to a trainer? no.
Call the doctor.
It is something were your body has to heal and you sit in it for like an hour or two.
It could be diabetes, or if it is on your leg and will not heal it could be a blocked artery. You should see a doctor to determine this.
Yes Taste buds can burst, They call these Bursted taste buds and in time it will heal I am not positive if there is medicine for it to heal faster though.
eh.. mine closed in likee half hour.
If it has been present for 14 months, it probably will not heal on its own. You better call a doctor for some advice.
heal/no heal
That depends on the individual With some people an hour with others it can take a week.
Millions and millions of people have still to hear the word o God, I t is our duty, Jesus last command. He did not say heal.
call Quick Heal Support, they will reset password for you
When you get a cut, it fresh. Few days later it drys. Then what you call a (scab) is dead skin.