Go for breloom since he has poison heal witch is useful with the toxic orb. Beloom also has the move spore witch is great with focus punch.
Any powerful grass-type Pokemon for example cacturne, Roselia, breloom, shiftry, tropius, sceptile.... Just make sure it's at a reasonable level and has good grass moves.... Have fun!
Breloom doesn't evolve.
breloom because its a better fighter!
You can only get a Shiftry by evolving a Seedot twice.
Unfortunately, no it doesn't. Breloom is the last level. It no longer evolves.
it is a good team, but in my opinion, i would replace donphan with either breloom or flygon, and ludicolo with shiftry
Everyone has their goods and bads, but in my opinion I like Blaziken, Swampert, Gardevoir, Breloom, Dusclops, Medicham, Chimecho, Aggron Rayquaza, Latias, Tropius, Mightyena and Shiftry.
Any powerful grass-type Pokemon for example cacturne, Roselia, breloom, shiftry, tropius, sceptile.... Just make sure it's at a reasonable level and has good grass moves.... Have fun!
no, breloom doesnt evolve. shroomish evolves in to breloom but that's it
Breloom doesn't evolve.
Breloom is the last evolution. It does not evolve further.
breloom because its a better fighter!
You can only get a Shiftry by evolving a Seedot twice.
shiftry is a grass dark type i think, that's just nuzleafs type so it probably is shiftry's
Breloom is a Grass and Fighting type pokemon.
Breloom does not evolve, but it is the evolved form of Shroomish.
Shiftry is a Grass and Dark type pokemon.