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This is a matter of opinion and is best answered by the person making the decision between books, or Video Games.

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15y ago

I myself love to read manga but video games seem better NOTE:this is just an opinion

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Q: Books are better than video games?
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How do you get child to stop playing video games?

Convince the child that there are better things to do than play video games. Take them to the park, the mall, the library, or any other place that they would find fun. Give them some good books. If none of this works, give them chores.

Do you think reading is way better than video games?

Disagree: On most video games there are some sorts of reading involved... sometimes it can be educational...

Are boys better at video games than girls?

heck yes, because boys are more active they mostly play sports like = football,soccer,basketball,and baseball and boys never really stop jumping and playing video games. Girls just make fashions, get their hair done,go shopping, cook[not that cooking is lame], and listen to music. So boys are better at video games then girls.

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me is bettr than them cuse i play games :)

Where can I find reviews of video games online?

There are many review for video games but some are better than others. One of the best is gamespot where you can find all the new games and all the games you want.

What is better than karate?

nothing is better, but some things are equal, like: running, video games and a ps3 and 4

Are video games worse than computers?

Video games for things like Xbox and Playstation are specially made for playing games and computers have good games but they aren't made for games. So i would say Video games are better. They have went through many upgrades of game systems like Xbox and PlayStation. There are more video games then there are computer games. Also, There are usually better Graphics on a game console.

Do Girls play More Video games Than guys?

it depends i have a better awswer ..... no they dont