Basically, any team with decent type coverage will be fine, as long as they're all at least Level 50 - over 55 might be a good idea, and if not you can go back and wander around the exit to Victory Road and train. Rayquaza is a big help here, so if you don't have him, I recommend going to Sky Pillar to the east of Pacifidlog Town so you can catch him first. He's level 70, and a HUGE help.
No special movesets are needed for beating the Elite Four, so TMs aren't really a necessity, just give them some good moves from levelling up. Make sure you buy PLENTY of Full Restores and Revives before you challenge the E4! Even with an amazing team, with no recovery items you'll never make it.
So you can train your favourite Pokemon rather than the strongest, and they'll be fine provided the movesets, levels and items are decent. My team was Sceptile, Flygon, Camerupt, Seadra, Magneton and Aggron. Not the strongest in the game, but they sufficed.
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The champion has water-type Pokemon, so use electric or grass.
get all the weakenes of the elite four
I recomend grass, ghost, and electric Pokemon. Have one with spore/effect attacks (sleep spore, poison powder,body slam, leech seed, etc.) also make sure they have both accurate and power full attacks. give them items such as quick claw, berries, and left overs. make sure you take potions, revives, and to save money take extra berries. Save the game after each one to learn the line up of the next. If you loose turn your game off/on and arrange your Pokemon to the best line up (NOTE: the line up may change after the 1st Pokemon, so jsut put the best suited one 1st)
Recomended team:
1.duskull/clopse (with judgment-Shadow ball)
2.Pikachu/Richu (thunder-thunder shock-*quick attack*-Thunder wave) *Optional
3.Xatu/Natu (SI-KICK moves- Some to put them to sleep) *Sorry cant spell*
4.Gloom/Treeko+/Shroomish (poison powder, Razor leaf, leaf blade, Sleep powder)
5.Wailord/Seadra/ (smoke screen§, hydro pump/surf, Roll out#) §- seadra #-wailord
6. A fire Pokemon or a machamp with the elimental punches.
i say that you should use salamance, wishcash, gardevoir, flygon, blazekin and rayquaza because thoughs were the Pokemon i used and beat elite 4 5 times!!!!!!!!!!
for me the best Pokemon to use are blaziken wailord hariyama crobat sableye and rayquaza the Pokemon i used: salamence metagross latias latios and the big ??
put exp. share on it & defaet the elite four
doesn't matter. If you train your Pokemon to an high enough level you will be able to defeat the gym leader. I think the best STARTER Pokemon is fire-type.
you evolve a duskull at lvl 37 one of the best ghost Pokemon on emerald