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My crobat has sludge bomb,confuse ray,fly and hyper beam,and it is a good combo when i fight with it, ! :D

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Q: Best moves for crobat
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The best flying type Pokemon in platinum?

staraptor is best if you want alot of flying moves - catch starly but crobat can learn fly and get more varied moves (ghost,bug) - catch zubat and beautifly or dustox can fly and have varied moves also - catch wurmple

Is dark pulse a good move for Crobat?

yes it is the 2nd best move for crobat

Can Crobat learn the move fly in Pokemon emerald?

YES! Of course crobat can learn fly! All you have to do is get the HM move Fly and it will be in your bag . Then,go into the HMs and TMs section of your bag and click on the HM move Fly.Then,click on your Crobat and make it learn the HM move Fly.If your Crobat already knows four moves,you're going to have to delete,or make your Crobat forget one of those moves if you want your Crobat to learn the HM move Fly. Hope this helps!Love,Madelynn Wildes

Does earthquake effect crobat?

No, earthquakes do not have any direct effect on Crobat as it is a Poison/Flying type Pokémon. However, if Crobat is hit with a Ground-type move like Earthquake, it will receive double damage due to its Flying typing being weak against Ground-type moves.

What is the best Pokemon lineup gold?

Crobat (with toxic) RaikuKingdraMiltank/GengarTyranitarMewTwo

What moves does Crobat learn in Pokemon diamond?

Crobat learns Cross Poison, Screech, Leech Life, Supersonic, Astonish, Bite, Wing Attack, Confuse Ray, Air Cutter, Mean Look, Poison Fang, Haze, and Air Slash.

How do you get crobat in LeafGreen?

Crobat is the evolved form of Golbat to evolve it to Crobat it needs max friendship with its trainer.

What level does crobat evolve?

Crobat doesn't evolve.

How can you find crobat?

Crobat can be found in any cave

Best flying Pokemon in pearl?

Staraptor Crobat U can get swablu (pokeradar) and get altaria Arceus Yanmega but Staraptor is the easiest to get som its probably staraptor or crobat cuz arceus is hard to get

What moves in Pokemon pearl can keep wild Pokemon from fledding?

Just use Crobat, it has an ability that prevents wild Pokemon from fleeing, as well as Golbat.

Where to get a crobat?

You can't find crobat you just evolve golbat.