kirla dosent evovlve into gallade by levels
1st you need a male kirla
2nd you need a dawn stone
and ta-da you got a gallade
A DawnStone can evolve Kirlia into Gallade before level 30 although the Kirlia must be Male
Dawn stone on pearl/diamond/platinum
Catch a Kirlia in the North of route 212 and evolve it.
Gallade is a evolved form of Kirlia (Evolved form of Ralts) but has to be a boy Kirlia. If it is, then you can evolve it with a Dawn Stone, and it will be a Gallade.
you cant get gardevoir but you can catch either ralts or kirlia and evolve it int gardevoir(ralts to kirlia to gardevoir to gallade
evolve a male kirlia
Evolve Kirlia With A Dawn Stone.
A DawnStone can evolve Kirlia into Gallade before level 30 although the Kirlia must be Male
You can catch a Kirlia and evolve it into Gardevoir at Lv. 30.
It is impossible to find an evolved kirlia in the wild. You have to catch a kirlia or ralts and evolve it. P.S. Its REALLLLYYY easy to evolve a kirlia into whatever depending on its gender.
kirlia ,FEmale snorunt hope it helped
Dawn stone on pearl/diamond/platinum
Catch a Kirlia in the North of route 212 and evolve it.
Gallade is a evolved form of Kirlia (Evolved form of Ralts) but has to be a boy Kirlia. If it is, then you can evolve it with a Dawn Stone, and it will be a Gallade.
you cant get gardevoir but you can catch either ralts or kirlia and evolve it int gardevoir(ralts to kirlia to gardevoir to gallade
Kirlia evolves in lvl 30 in a Gardevoir or when it is a male and you use a Dawn Stone it evolves in a Gallade.
male evolve into gallade and female into gardivour