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I'm pretty sure they get access to it at level 40 just like Warriors do.

Nope lvl 50

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Q: At what level do paladins learn to use plate armour on wow?
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Can you learn how to wear different armor in sentence?

You just need to learn it from your proffession trainer. Warriors and Paladins can learn plate at level 40 Shamans and Hunters can learn mail at level 40 No other classes can learn any other armor types than the one they start with.

What is the best armor for pandaren warriors in WoW?

The best armour for a Warrior is Plate. You can only wear plate from Level 40 onwards, until then wear Mail.

Diffrenece of White armor and plate armor?

"white" armour is generally a term used by historians for highly polished steel plate armour. "plate" is a term which covers all steel plate armour - which could be painted, blued or blackened to prevent corrosion, or even covered in velvet or similar fabric - "white" armour is simply a subset of the larger group of plate armour finishes.

What level does Arceus learn jugment?

Level 100. Judgement's type depends on which plate Arceus is holding.

What is armour plating?

Armour plating is heavy plate steel, or other strong metal, used to create armour on a structure or vehicle.

What does a knight ware?

Full plate armour, helm and gauntlets

Where do you train to wear mail?

Only certain classes are allowed to wear mail armor. Warriors and paladins start out in mail armor, until level 40 when they train to wear plate. Hunters and Shaman can wear armor starting at level 40 by going to their class trainer and learning the ability.

Runescape are there protect of melee and range armor for non member?

Yes, Range protecting armour is plate armour or chain armour. Plate works best. A good Magic protection armour is D'hide. This will block any spell, it won't make them hit 0's but it does effect their hit by a lot. it's like going to the elemental wizards and being level 3 with green d'hide and 1 defence and they can only hit 1s on you (10s or under since the new 1=10 update) Melee defence is just regular old plate.

What was chainmail replaced by?

Chainmail was eventually replaced by hard plate armour.

Best armor in fate undiscovered realms?

full plate armour

What is an alwite?

An alwite is a form of polished plate armour worn uncovered by cloth.

What is the best armour to use thats non-member inAQworlds?

crimson plate of nulgath