If you are following the anime/show then no... you are suppposed to be beaten by some dude (forgot who sorry) if your not following then you can beat the indigo plateau
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1. drop the highest up gray ball and let it hit the green one 2.when the green ball is on the right of the screen let it fly and hit the first gray ball, the green should fall into the vase if not click restart and try again, the gray ball will hit the second gray ball and go into the cannon which will shoot out and hit the red
You should use the legendary pokemon pikachu but he has to be level 200 or else he wont be able to use thunder bunder.
check the thing in the middle of the room u cant go past the gray ones are the ones you need to beat click on them and it well tell you the record
No only Red, green, gray, and black
Brown, blue, green, gray, amber, hazel and very rare indigo. Albinos have red eyes.
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The gray fox is found in all the deserts of north America including the Chihuahuan, the Sonoran, the Great Basin, the Mojave, and the Colorado Plateau Desert.
Mixing orange and indigo would result in a shade of brown or dark gray, depending on the proportions of each color used.
The cast of Beat - 2009 includes: Claire Gray as Karleena
Blue, red, green, black, yellow, purple, orange, white, maroon, silver, gray, pink, indigo, teal
She is supposed to have blond hair, she should also have gray eyes.
Denim is fabricated from cotton twill yarn.
The cast of Indigo - 2014 includes: Jeremy Asgari Davon Bean Jamie Dibos Roach Cecilia Forss Chloe Hurst Erin Lark Gray Linnea Larsdotter Johan Matton Joshua Petsonk Devo Springsteen Gabriel Stanley
North beat the South 6-0 in January 1939.
beat the champion and deafeat N the leader of team plasma