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The short answer is that Colgate is still making Dermassage as of 5/15/09. See below for the official reply from 1. To find Dermassage locally, use the product locator page at Colgate's website, http:/ 2. You can purchase Dermassage by the case at, 3. You can purchase Dermassage by the case at, email Reply from Colgate Customer Service about Dermassage [5/15/09]

"Thank you for contacting us. We are sorry that you are having difficulty locating Dermassage Dish Liquid.

The product you inquired about is currently being produced; but we are unable to provide you with a list of stores in your area that are carrying it at this time. However, we have informed our sales force that there is interest for this product. Hopefully, with your support and communication with store managers, and our efforts to sell our products, you will be able to find it in a store near you soon.

Our sales force works to sell all our products in as many stores and geographic areas as possible. However, there are retailers who limit their selection of products and may decide not to stock a particular brand. If a store is part of a chain, the main warehouse may order only certain products. Individual store managers choose which products to carry. If the store is small, they may have limited stock space.

If you are looking for a particular product - or a specific size or variant of that product, please ask your store manager. The store may not realize that there is demand for it and may be willing to stock it regularly, or to special order it for you. If you are interested in purchasing our products by the case, [see the above links].

Once again, thank you for taking the time to contact us. We hope this information is helpful."

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Q: Are you still selling Dermassage Dishwashing Liquid and if so which stores carry it?
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