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yes in options you can turn off all graphic content and swearing

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Q: Are you able to turn off the blood in mw3?
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Can you turn off blood gore and language in mw3?

No you can not

How do you turn off blood and gore on mw3?

You cant

Can you turn off the explicit content in mw3 for the wii?

Yes you can turn off explit content on mw3. It only turns off the blood and swearing.

How turn blood and language off in mw3?


How do you turn off the swearing in mw3 without turning off the blood?

you can't you noob just turn off the sound on your tv

Can you turn the blood off in cod MW3?

Well Actually you can't turn of Blood and Language that's why it's Rated M for Mature.

Can you turn the blood and languague off MW3?

You can. It's simple go onto settings. It should be easy from there.

How violante is mw3?

It is rated M for mature, but you can choose to turn off blood and gore when you buy the game.

Can you turn off swearing in MW3?

No you can not Turn off swearing in MW3. Swearing is a part of all Call Of Duties and Trearch or Infinity Ward will not turn swearing off.

Can you turn off drug scene on mw3?

No you cannot.

Can you turn the cursing off in mw3?

yes in the options

Will you be able to turn off the blood and language in modern warfare 3?

No the only game you can turn off the blood is in assains creed brotherhood